Why Do I need SEO for my website
Short answer: To grow your business.. do you want to know how? Lets get into facts
Lets get the basics before getting into the importance of SEO for the Business
What is SEO?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is the technique to make quality website and content to improve your visibility on search engines. SEO is the only way to improve your ranking and visibility on the google.
What will SEO do for me?
If you have a website already, you would need to get visitors for your website in order to get more business. SEO is the only tool that would improve your website’s visibility on search engines.
Why is SEO important?
SEO will bring the organic traffic to your website. Traffic that you actually want on your website. Now a days, we are all so much dependent on the internet and on search engines to be specific. Google is a go to, when anyone is looking for something. Search engines are great source to make your business visible across the globe. There is no magic to get your business ranked on google, you just need to get the right SEO technique in place.
Are you getting ranked, when you search for the services you provide on search engine (google, bing, yahoo)?
Wait, now some of us might be thinking… why not I just pay google to show my ads for the traffic I want?
Now answer to this is fairly simple. Google will show your advertisement until you pay for them. The day you stop, you wont get the traffic if your SEO is not in place. If you are just starting up a new business or you are setting up your online store, chances are that someone else who is already in the business might be paying more to ads, than you can and It will be an obstacle for you to reach out to the traffic that you want to. So, having a good SEO is must. It will go long term, while you can still invest on the ads.
Here are few tips to optimized your website for search engines..
Website Content: If you do not have any content on your website, you won’t get ranked on search engines. Make sure you have relevant content on your website that reflects your business. Be unique with content. Don’t use someone else’s content.
Internal link building: When you refer to the another page on your website is known as internal linking. For example you might want to show your portfolio when someone is on your home page.
External link building: Whenever possible, try to include the link of the sources that you used in writing your blog. For instance, most of the times we use wikipedia for our reference and it is a good example of link building.
Website load time: Faster your website loads, higher the chances are for your website to rank better than the one that takes longer time to load.
SEO Friendly links: Your links should not be long and must reflect your page content.
Above mentioned steps will help you in improving SEO for your website.
Congratulations you have just completed the basics guide for SEO. Now, you are on the way to improve your website SEO performance.
About me:
I am a Web designer and provide SEO services in Metro Vancouver. I help the startup companies to make their web presence in the digital world.